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Support the work of MCW

The Muslim community is facing new challenges from all directions. Only through UNITY can we overcome them.

The Muslim Council of Wales strives to unite the Muslim community to STRATEGISE, ORGANISE, and MOBILISE our collective strength. We want to make Wales a nation in which is Islam is established, and from where Prophetic teachings are shared across the world.

For 20 years, the Muslim Council of Wales has brought ISLAM INTO PUBLIC LIFE, raised the profile of our religion, created spaces where Muslims can meet and work together, and supported the development of young Muslims. As we face the next 20 years, we are asking for YOUR SUPPORT in building an organisation that faces the challenges of the future and maximizing the strength of the Muslim community here in Wales. We can only achieve great things with great intentions, so this Ramadan, please make a commitment to SUPPORT the work of the Muslim Council of Wales and advancement of Islam in Wales. “And hold firmly to the rope of Allāh all together and do not become divided” (Quran 3:103)

We are a not for profit organisation, head quartered in Cardiff City and have projects designed to enhance the quality of life for Welsh Muslims, build community cohesion and encourage active citizenship.

If you would like join the Muslim Council of Wales mailing list please complete this form.

About Us.

We are a not for profit organisation, headquartered in Cardiff City and have projects designed to enhance the quality of life for Welsh Muslims, build community cohesion and encourage active citizenship.

Broadway House, 9-10 Upper Clifton Sreet, Cardiff, CF24 1PU.

Muslim Council of Wales © 2025. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Daniyaal.