Welcome to Muslim Council of Wales

Muslim Council Wales is an affiliate of Muslim Council Britain and a broad based umbrella organisation that was set up in early 2000 to serve the needs of the Muslim community across Wales.

Welcome to Muslim Council of Wales

Muslim Council Wales is an affiliate of Muslim Council Britain and a broad based umbrella organisation that was set up in early 2000 to serve the needs of the Muslim community across Wales.

We represent Welsh Muslims needs at the local Government level and have strong relationships with all faith communities across Wales.

The streams of work we do

Who are we

We are a not for profit organisation, headquartered in Cardiff City and have projects designed to enhance the quality of life for Welsh Muslims, build community cohesion and encourage active citizenship.

The Muslim Council of Wales was founded in 2003, as an affiliate to the Muslim Council of Britain, to reflect the devolved structure of Welsh government as well as the unique historical, social and religious context of Wales.

“Serving the needs of the Muslim community across Wales."

– Muslim Council of Wales, MCW
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News and Publications

The news about recent activities for needed peoples.

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About Us.

We are a not for profit organisation, headquartered in Cardiff City and have projects designed to enhance the quality of life for Welsh Muslims, build community cohesion and encourage active citizenship.

Broadway House, 9-10 Upper Clifton Sreet, Cardiff, CF24 1PU.

Muslim Council of Wales © 2025. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Daniyaal.